Your Donation at Work: Summer Planting & Tree Pruning

On Tuesday, Abingdon Square was full of activity and excitement as the annual summer planting and tree pruning were completed. You can view a slide show of the summer planting and tree pruning

The plants were chosen based on their beauty and the Square's different site conditions. (Some areas are sunny while others have a lot of tree cover.) Other considerations such as bloom time and plant height are also factored in. 

Like all activities in the Square, the annual summer planting and tree pruning are made possible by you, our donors. The West Village wouldn't be what it is without the Square. And the Square wouldn't be what it is without you!

We would like to specifically recognize this year's Adopt-A-Bed donors, whom are some of the Conservancy's most generous contributors, adopting one of the Square’s ten flowerbeds for one, two or all three growing seasons.


Three Growing Seasons

Mark Kucharski & Todd Hittle


Two Growing Seasons

Joan Ellis

Stephen Foster & Russell Saray

Frank Schwarzer

Lois Teich


One Growing Season


Deirdre Barry

Susan Boland & Kelly Granat

Kaya Chwals

Nian Fish

Stephen Klein

Kate Lavin

Julie Lerner, in honor of Dan & Lyn Lerner

Barbara Lorber

Jeff & Cynthia Penney

David Salvatore

Jo & Henry Strouss, in memory of Watty Strouss

Kathleen Welch


Learn more about or join the Adopt-A-Bed Program.


Thankfully our long, cold, snowy winter and chilly spring are now nothing more than a memory. While this year's beloved, but fleeting tulip display has come and gone, we trust that the summer flower and plant display will bring you lots of wonder and joy for the next four months. 

Thank you again for your support!

About the Conservancy

Abingdon Square Conservancy, a 501(c)3 non-profit charity, receives no public funding and is solely dependent on private donations for its operations. Our mission is to maintain and enhance the Square as a scenic and historic landmark and as a friendly gathering place for all in the West Village, in all seasons. The Conservancy employs a horticulturalist to design and cultivate its plantings, and a groundskeeper to maintain the Square.